
Havets Hus inspirational science board

Havets Hus has inspirational science board consisting of people who can contribute with ideas and knowledge from the world of research and education. The team consists of 2-4 external researchers and one representative from Havets Hus board of directions. Meetings take place 1-2 times per term and disclose current topics, for example; Havets Hus development project or new ideas presented by the members of the boarder.



Susanne Baden is professor in marine ecology and ecophysiology. She graduated from the University of Copenhagen, but has for the last 30 years been linked to University of Gothenburg, The Sven Lovén Center for Marine Sciences (Kristineberg). Researching on various stressors effect on different ecosystems. Susanne works on how over-fishing, eutrophication, climate change and invasive species affect the marine habitats. Often using eelgrass meadows and their inhabitants as indicators.

Géraldine Fauville is both a marine biologist and a pedagogue. The latter, with focus on communication and IT. She is one of the founding member of the European Marine Science Educator Association (EMSEA) and also very active on humans understanding of the sea (“ocean literacy”) at European level. Right now, she leads two projects developing digital tools for environmental and marine education for secondary schools.

Susanne Eriksson is Associate Professor of Marine Ecology, University of Gothenburg. She has worked at The Sven Lovén Center for Marine Sciences for 20 years and wants to encourage everyone to discover life beneath the surface. She is especially interested in crustaceans and other animals that burrow themselves into muddy sea floors. Right now her research is focusing on ecophysiology and how crustaceans can adapt to stress.

Anders Szczepanski is a researcher and director of the National Centre for Outdoor Education at Linköping University.

Annelie Hilvarsson is a research assistant at the Swedish Agricultural University. One of her areas is analyzing ripening and aging of sprat and herring, she does also perform “test fishing” on commercial fishing vessels. Previously, she worked as a researcher at the University of Gothenburg, investing anti-fouling paints effect on the marine fauna.

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